GRB Legal & Finance, bufete abogados Madrid
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professional ethicsPROFESSIONAL ETHICS
Código de Conducta de bufete de abogados de Madrid

Código de Conducta

GRB Legal & Finance is a law firm committed to people and the problems our society suffers nowadays. In the age of knowledge, it is unthinkable to contemplate the maximization of profits as a sole scenario. Our law firm feels responsible for the repercussions that our activities may have on the social fabric. Sensitivity for our clients’ problems tends to create a long-lasting and firm relationship between both parties.

GRB Legal & Finance has created a code of conduct which establishes an unbreakable obligation to the general principles which rule our activities and the fulfilment of the obligations acquired with our clients.

The ethic norms that form up our code are elaborated from the attributes and values that define our law firm identity and they aim to generate amongst the GRB Legal & Finance professionals the most suitable daily behaviour to achieve professional excellence.

Download Code of Conduct

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