Luis del Pulgar Rodríguez

Amongst the numerous notions usually associated with Web 2.0, I have the feeling that the ones I am going to list are the most important for small and medium-sized law firms.

Reputation and trust

All human beings, consciously or unconsciously, send out messages loaded with information. In other words, they communicate. When a Web 2.0 user publishes information about his activities in a desire to share it with other people, he projects an image that is a combination of what he is offering or what he would be able to offer. In fact, ineffable and infallible experts proliferate in all areas of knowledge in the web, although usually, what has been promised is more appealing for the surfer than what has been expressed outwardly, as is what is kept back, than what is glaringly obvious. In this way, whoever publishes information that is in his own interest, manages to make his own image appear to be immutable. However, if it is a law firm that uses the tools offered by the Internet – social networks, blogs video blogs, etc – to disseminate the information, the projected image acquires a dynamism in the eyes of the interlocutors, it changes over time and helps in the formation of his reputation. We are aware that company reputation represents a whole set of a firm’s values. That is why it is so important for law firms to administrate this properly. And image is the best tool to achieve this.

Participation and transparency

The launch of new services at Web 2.0 responds to individuals’ needs to participate actively. Interactivity is the greatest achievement of new technologies. And because the possibility already exists for information content to be shared, modified, transmitted, labeled and discovered, it is set up as a fundamental fact for Web 2.0. In an information-saturated world, law firms must learn to elaborate and transmit their messages efficiently.

The Web 2.0 is, unquestionably the biggest door ever conceived by human beings to be opened up on the world. Here information is not only shared, but also, as we have seen, is it modified, discussed, questioned and sometimes even manipulated for spurious purposes. Transparency helps to overcome these unpleasant situations experienced by all organizations that tend to lead to crisis with unforeseeable consequences.


This is the crux of the matter. It must adapt to different audiences. It must be assimilated and shared by all the law firm members. It must be based on the company values, attributes and philosophy which are what determine the attitudes and behaviors transmitted to the outside world. The interlocutors’ perception of the firm’s commitments regarding clients, employees, community…, determines the firm’s credibility, a basic factor in shaping a prestigious image as the creator and transmitter of reputation. As nowadays we have all become civic actors who share the general interests of our society, law firms ought not to confine themselves to sharing these general interests, but they should promote their own conception of society. The most important aim is to increase profitability and, subsequently, assure the firm’s survival. Maybe afterwards, our small or medium-sized law firm may become an authentic social leader.

Luis del Pulgar Rodríguez

GRB Communication